藤原 秀法   Hidenori Fujiwara
RP / Representative Partner
大分県大分市出身。京都造形芸術大学(現名称 京都芸術大学)卒業。
Mortise, means a recess cut into a part which is designed to receive a corresponding projection (a tenon) on another part so as to join or lock the parts together. Our goal of design is also to connect business to society seamlessly to present the personality and values of each brand. Mortise design based in Tokyo and Hong Kong. Main branding, packaging design, graphic design and illustration. 
​李 政逹   Lee Ching Tat
RP / Representative Partner
香港出身のグラフィックデザナー、イラストレーター。京都造形芸術大学(現名称 京都芸術大学)卒業。10年以上日本で過ごし、多くの日本文化、芸術、風土に触れ、広告制作会社勤務を経て2017年にMortise Designを設立致しました。明快でミニマルなスタイル、繊細なアートとモダニズムのバランス、形と色彩の完全な調和。これらが独自の”Mortise Designスタイル”を生み出します。広い視野で柔軟なアイディア、デザインをご提案致します。
Mortise, means a recess cut into a part which is designed to receive a corresponding projection (a tenon) on another part so as to join or lock the parts together. Our goal of design is also to connect business to society seamlessly to present the personality and values of each brand. Mortise design based in Tokyo and Hong Kong. Main branding, packaging design, graphic design and illustration. ​​​​​​​