「Daxaz Enterprise Inc」様は、水と健康に焦点を当てた斬新なテクノロジー企業です。「DAXL」ではアウトドアスポーツを愛する人々が、地球上、いつでもどこでもDaxlスマートウォーターボトルで不純物を取り除いた健康的な水を楽しめることを目指しています。DAXLのコンセプトデザイン、VIの構築、およびウェブサイトのデザインとして参加させて頂きました。
Daxaz Enterprise Inc is a technology company focused on water and health. This year, Daxaz Enterprise Inc is aiming to create new brand 'DAXL' for the people who love outdoor sport can enjoy pure water in anywhere, anytime by Daxl smart water bottle. Mortise Design took part in DAXL concept design, VI construction, and website design.

未来のテクノロジー + 生命の源
Logotype Concept : Future Technology + Source of Life (Water)
DAXL logotype express an image of future life. The product is related to daily life, so we decided to form the logo with multiple circles and curves to increase the affinity of the brand. At the same time maintain a clean feeling. In terms of color, we have chosen a blue that feels stable and comfortable to complement the image of the DAXL brand.